CHIVA: Different from endolaser, stripping, radiofrequency and foam, it keeps the saphenous vein

CHIVA is different. The CHIVA method differs from the other methods of treating varicose veins because it places as the first premise the maintenance of the saphenous vein. It is Not the best method to eliminate saphenous as and done in stripping and in chemical and physical ablation (Laser, radiofrequency and sclerosis). In This technique, the specialist chooses how and where to drain the flow of insufficient veins to obtain clinical improvement of the patient.

The functional Result is based on three assumptions.

  1. Interrupt altered Circulation-veno-venous Shunt. That is, leakage of flow from the deep venous system to the superficial should cease.
  2. Fractionating the pressure and lowering the venous flow in the veins, interrupting the blood leakage points. The figure below shows the Perthes test. The same leg before and after we put a rubber strip to observe the decrease of caliber of the veins by the decrease of pressure from the deep-superficial circulation undue.
  3. Use some distal superficial-deep connection point to return the flow to the deep system. Re-entry Point-Marked P in the photo.

We Do a full preoperative venous cartography following a minimally invasive intervention under local anesthesia, low pain scores and immediate discharge.

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